Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut. The resulting text will be saved to the clipboard.
By default Capture2Text comes packaged with the following languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.
Supported operating systems:
The following OCR languages are supported:
Afrikaans (afr) | Greek (ell) | Odiya (ori) |
Albanian (sqi) | Gujarati (guj) | Panjabi (pan) |
Amharic (amh) | Haitian (hat) | Persian (fas) |
Ancient Greek (grc) | Hebrew (heb) | Polish (pol) |
Arabic (ara) | Hindi (hin) | Portuguese (por) |
Assamese (asm) | Hungarian (hun) | Pushto (pus) |
Azerbaijani (aze) | Icelandic (isl) | Romanian (ron) |
Basque (eus) | Indic (inc) | Russian (rus) |
Belarusian (bel) | Indonesian (ind) | Sanskrit (san) |
Bengali (ben) | Inuktitut (iku) | Serbian (srp) |
Bosnian (bos) | Irish (gle) | Sinhala (sin) |
Bulgarian (bul) | Italian (ita) | Slovak (slk) |
Burmese (mya) | Japanese (jpn) | Slovenian (slv) |
Catalan (cat) | Javanese (jav) | Spanish (spa) |
Cebuano (ceb) | Kannada (kan) | Swahili (swa) |
Central Khmer (khm) | Kazakh (kaz) | Swedish (swe) |
Cherokee (chr) | Kirghiz (kir) | Syriac (syr) |
Chinese – Simplified (chi_sim) | Korean (kor) | Tagalog (tgl) |
Chinese – Traditional (chi_tra) | Kurukh (kru) | Tajik (tgk) |
Croatian (hrv) | Lao (lao) | Tamil (tam) |
Czech (ces) | Latin (lat) | Telugu (tel) |
Danish (dan) | Latvian (lav) | Thai (tha) |
Dutch (nld) | Lithuanian (lit) | Tibetan (bod) |
Dzongkha (dzo) | Macedonian (mkd) | Tigrinya (tir) |
English (eng) | Malay (msa) | Turkish (tur) |
Esperanto (epo) | Malayalam (mal) | Uighur (uig) |
Estonian (est) | Maltese (mlt) | Ukrainian (ukr) |
Finnish (fin) | Marathi (mar) | Urdu (urd) |
Frankish (frk) | Math/Equations (equ) | Uzbek (uzb) |
French (fra) | Middle English (1100-1500) (enm) | Vietnamese (vie) |
Galician (glg) | Middle French (1400-1600) (frm) | Welsh (cym) |
Georgian (kat) | Nepali (nep) | Yiddish (yid) |
German (deu) | Norwegian (nor) |
Capture2Text is free and licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
You can download the latest version from here.
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