6 Key takeaways from StackOverflow Developer Survey Results 2018
Developer Q & A site Stack Overflow performs an annual survey every year to find out more about the programmer community, This includes everything from their favorite technologies to their job preferences.Results have just been published & here we take look at 6 Key takeaways from StackOverflow Developer Survey Results 2018.
Quick Snapshot
- #1.JavaScript remains the most widely used programming language
- #2.Node.js and AngularJS are most commonly used technologies
- #3.MySQL and SQL Server are the most commonly used databases.
- #4.Linux and Windows Desktop or Server are the most common choices for Platforms
- #5. F#, Ocaml, Clojure, and Groovy earn the highest salaries
- #6.Developers are mostly optimistic about the possibilities that artificial intelligence offers
#1.JavaScript remains the most widely used programming language
Followed by web technologies such as HTML (#2),CSS (#3) & SQL (#4),Java (#5)

#2.Node.js and AngularJS are most commonly used technologies
Followed by React(#3), .Net Core(#4) and Spring (#5)

#3.MySQL and SQL Server are the most commonly used databases.
Also checkout #4 is MongoDB and #10 is Azure CosmosDB

#4.Linux and Windows Desktop or Server are the most common choices for Platforms

#5. F#, Ocaml, Clojure, and Groovy earn the highest salaries
Globally, developers who use F#, Ocaml, Clojure, and Groovy earn the highest salaries, with median salaries above $70,000 USD.
Erlang and Scala developers in the US are among the highest paid, while Clojure, Erlang, and Haskell developers earn the most in India.

#6.Developers are mostly optimistic about the possibilities that artificial intelligence offers
Developers are mostly optimistic about the possibilities that artificial intelligence offers our world, with almost three-fourths of respondents saying that they are overall more excited than worried about the AI future.
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