Bloody Vikings! Firefox Addon for temporary e-mail addresses
Bloody Vikings! simplifies the use of temporary email addresses, helping you to protect your real address from spam and to stay anonymous.Spam messages account for 59.56 percent of e-mail traffic worldwide. The fact is that 16% persons concerning the world are forced to alter their email and about 60% time get lost in examining or eliminating these emails while checking your inbox.
Instead of exposing your real email address to every random site asking for it, simply right-click on the designated input field and select “Bloody Vikings!”. Bloody Vikings! automatically inserts a temporary email address and opens the corresponding mailbox in a new background tab.

Bloody Vikings! currently supports the following services:
- 10minutemail.com: Temporary email addresses are valid for 10 minutes and can be extended for another 10 minutes.
- anonbox.net: Creates random email and mailbox addresses with no direct connection. Unfetched Mailboxes are valid until midnight on the following day, fetched Mailboxes will be deleted 5 minutes after delivery. The connection is established over HTTPS.
- discard.email
- dispostable.com
- dropmail.me
- fakemailgenerator.com
- getairmail.com
- mailcatch.com
- mailforspam.com
- mailinator.com
- mytemp.email
- trash-mail.com
- yopmail.com
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