Use Scumblr if you are looking for intelligent automation framework
Scumblr is a web application that allows performing periodic syncs of data sources (such as Github repositories and URLs) and performing analysis (such as static analysis, dynamic checks, and metadata collection) on the identified results. Scumblr searches using plugins called Tasks. Each Task knows how to perform a search or sync via a certain site or API (Github, Route53, Google, Pastebin, Twitter, etc.). Tasks can be configured from within Scumblr based on the options available by the Task.
Key Features :
Scumblr ships with a number of tasks to help you streamline security automation including:
Sync Tasks
Github – Sync results from github Repositories
Route53 DNS – Sync FQDNs from Route53 DNS
Manual Result Upload – Specify a new line delimited list of results you’d like to sync into Scumblr
Security Tasks
Github Search – Search Github for secrets, anti-patterns, and vulnerabilities in your repositories
Curl – Execute curl commands to identify vulnerabilities or issues against Scumblr results
Bandit – Perform static code analysis against Python projects
Brakeman – Perform static code analysis against Ruby on Rails projects.
Search Tasks (legacy)
iTunes Store
Certificate Transparency
Google Play
RSS Feeds (useful for full disclosure searches)
Scumblr also provides a number of other features that streamline security automation including:
Tracking, ticketing, regression monitoring, and auto-remediation of security vulnerabilities
Metadata storage in results to allow for advanced result filtering
Customizable views and sorting of results and tasks to get you to the important details faster
Saveable result filters that can be shared with collegues
Event model for auditing changes to results so you can keep an eye on what is happening
Email subscriptions for specific results or tasks you care about (such as monitoring when a security task finds a new vulnerablity)
Advanced asynchronous task scheduling to allow for task chaining and task batching
Use Cases:
Following are just sample of what you might want to look for or analyze
Your organization’s public or private github repositories
When new FQDNS are created in your organization’s DNS
Detection of anti-patterns in source code
Dynamic checks against running web servers for security issues
Static code analysis across a large number of repositories using Brakeman or Bandit
Get an alert on full disclosure security reports on vulnerabilities in your team’s version of Apache
Take a look at the wiki for detailed instructions on setup, configuration, and use!
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