5 best and the most popular reads for July 2018
Here are 5 best and the most popular reads for July 2018. We hope you enjoy reading and treasure them.
Quick Snapshot
#1.Kubernetes Tutorial : Distributed tracing with Jaeger
Jaeger is a distributed tracing system released as open source by Uber Technologies. Like Dapper or ZipKin,it is used for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems.In this article, we are going look at how to deploy Jaeger on to kubernetes cluster.
#2.10 steps to stay secure in digital world
Here’s best compilation of 10 steps to stay secure in digital world.Please feel free to comment,if you’ve any better techniques etc.,
This post is part of Regain your Privacy series, for other posts check out here,here & here..
#3.How to generate Aadhaar Virtual ID(VID)
Recently UIDAI has introduced Virtual ID to address privacy concerns.In this article,we are going to look at what is Virtual ID and how to generate new ID.
#4.How to apply for instant e-PAN ?
Income Tax dept has recently come up with Instant e-PAN allotment,this would be useful for individuals who don’t have PAN, they can now apply with valid Aadhaar number and get it instantly.
#5.MiniTool ShadowMaker Backup Solution for PCs
Today we are going to check how MiniTool ShadowMaker  can help in our backup tasks & be a one-stop solution for all our recovery needs.
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