Developer Q & A site Stack Overflow performs an annual survey every year to find out more about the programmer community, This includes everything from their favorite technologies to their job preferences.Results have just been published & here we take look at Key takeaways from StackOverflow Developer Survey Results 2019.
For previous year Survey results,check out here.
Quick Snapshot
Followed by web technologies such as HTML (#2),CSS (#3) & SQL (#4),Python (#5).Python has become the fastest-growing major programming language and has risen in the ranks of programming languages, edging out Java this year.
Followed by React(#3), ASP.Net (#4) and Express (#5)
Also checkout #5 is MongoDB and #11 is Azure CosmosDB
Followed by #3 is Docker and #5 is AWS
Globally, developers who use Clojure, F# and Go earn the highest salaries, with median salaries above $70,000 USD.
Most respondents said their organizations are not using or implementing blockchain technology, and the most common use reported is outside of currency. Developers in India are the most likely to say their organizations are using blockchain technology.
Developers in the United States are somewhat less likely to work as independent contractors or freelancers while Germany has an unusually high proportion of developers working part-time.
In all of these locations, more than 70% of developers are employed full-time.
You can also access the data sets from previous years.
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