TOP 10 Python Libraries for Data Science
In Data Scientist's daily duties, python programming plays a crucial role in combining statistical and machine learning methods for analyzing and interpreting complicated information. Python...
AI Foundations for Everyone Specialization from IBM
Coursera Specialization is a series of courses that help you master a skill. To begin, you can enroll in the Specialization directly, or review its...
5 Reasons Why Data Science Engineers Would love TensorWatch
Recently researchers at Microsoft open sourced debugging and visualization tool TensorWatch,In this post,lets look at key features,how does it work. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="645"] Image...
TensorFlow in Practice Specialization from
We have already looked at TOP 100 Coursera Specializations and today we will check out specialization on how to build and train neural networks using...
Machine Learning for Business Professionals from Google
Machine learning is the study of algorithms and mathematical models that computer systems use to progressively improve their performance on a specific task. Machine learning...