Coursera : 7 new courses starting this month
Hi there!
I looked through new courses starting this month that will help boost your career and expand your knowledge. Check them out, and start enrolling today!

Quick Snapshot
- #1.IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers
- #2.Doing Business in China Specialization
- #3.VR & 360 Video Production
- #4.A Developer’s guide to Node-RED
- #5.Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine
- #6.Requirements Engineering: Secure Software Specifications Specialization
- #7.Architecting with Google Cloud Platform Specialization
#1.IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers
If you’re a software developer and new to blockchain, this is the course for you. Several experienced IBM blockchain developer advocates will lead you through a series of videos that describe high-level concepts, components, and strategies on building blockchain business networks. You’ll also get hands-on experience modeling and building blockchain networks as well as create your first blockchain application.
The first part of this course covers basic concepts of blockchain, and no programming skills are required. However, to complete three of the four labs, you must understand basic software object-oriented programming and how to use the command line. It’s also helpful, but not required, that you can write code in JavaScript.
When you complete the course, you should understand what a blockchain business network is, how to build and model a simple blockchain solution, and the role of the developer in creating blockchain applications.
If you successfully complete the course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion and an Acclaim badge. You’ll need to pass several end-of-section quizzes and a final exam that include multiple choice, true and false, and fill in the blank questions.
Level | Intermediate |
Commitment | 6 weeks of study, 2 hours/week |
Language |
How To Pass | Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. |
User Ratings |
#2.Doing Business in China Specialization
Interested in Doing Business in China?. Master essential knowledge, strategies and tools to do business in China.
Participants will know how Chinese entrepreneurs, consumers and employees think and act, and be able to generate consumer and business insights for doing business in China. Through the use of well-designed business cases, participants will be able to apply this knowledge when they start or manage a business organization in China. Participants will be able to identify business opportunities and challenges based on nuanced understanding of the socio-political, economic, cultural, and technological environments in China, and leverage on their consumer and business insights to develop and implement culturally informed strategic plans.
In this capstone project, students will use their own research and what they have learned in the three courses to come up with the final business plan and a 1-minute pitch presentation. Students are expected to come up with innovative product ideas and use the materials learned in this course to supplement this capstone project.
#3.VR & 360 Video Production
Welcome to Daydream Impact Virtual Reality (VR) and 360 video production course! Our mission is to give you the skills needed to use VR to advocate for a cause and communicate your mission.
This course will introduce you to Virtual Reality (VR) and 360 video production, guiding you through a step-by-step process to create VR content. To begin, we recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site and review the material.
Best of luck as you get started – we hope you enjoy the course, and are successful in using VR to make an impact.
Level | Beginner |
Commitment | 4 weeks of study, 3-4 hours/week |
Language |
Hardware Req | Ideally learners will have access to a 360 camera. See course readings for camera options. |
How To Pass | Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. |
#4.A Developer’s guide to Node-RED
Rapid application development using agile methodologies and processes are increasingly being used when developing applications. There is pressure on development teams to reduce the time needed to convert an idea into a working solution, be it as part of an innovation workshop or hackathon, a prototype for a new solution idea or main stream development.
Developers are looking for new ways to allow them to be more production and innovations, such as Node-RED from the JS Foundation is a technology that allows a developer to rapidly create applications, taking a fraction of the time need coding write code.
Node-RED is built on Node.js, so will run anywhere capable of hosting node.js applications, such as small single board computers like the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone, on your laptop or workstation or in cloud environments, such as the IBM Cloud.
Node red allows developers to compose flows using a pallet of nodes, where each node provides prebuilt functionality, that can be connected to other nodes to rapidly construct an application.
This course assumes some basic knowledge of Node-RED, so if you have not used Node-RED then you may want to take a look at the Coursera course – A Developer’s Guide to the Internet of Things (https://www.coursera.org/learn/developer-iot/), which provides a beginner look at Node-RED.
What you will learn: The course will improve your use of Node-RED. It will introduce some more advanced features available in key nodes, show you how to visualise data using dashboard nodes. It shows you how to create web APIs using Node-RED and how to consume web services and how to make use of different storage technologies within a Node-RED flow. The last section of the course shows how you can extend Node-RED by creating your own nodes.
What technology is required to complete the course? The course requires you to have an IBM Cloud account, as some of the assignment work does make use of designated cloud services. You can create a free account on the IBM Cloud and in week 2 of the course we make a promotional code available, which unlocks some additional resources on the IBM Cloud, so you can complete the course without having to provide credit card information or pay for cloud services.
Level | Intermediate |
Commitment | The course is spread over 4 weeks, with each week requiring 3-5 hours work |
Language |
Hardware Req | The course lecturers use a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B but no assessed work requires you to have a pi. |
How To Pass | Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. |
#5.Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine
This one-week, accelerated online class equips students to containerize workloads in Docker containers, deploy them to Kubernetes clusters provided by Google Kubernetes Engine, and scale those workloads to handle increased traffic. Students also learn how to continuously deploy new code in a Kubernetes cluster to provide application updates.
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Understand container basics
- Containerize an existing application
- Understand Kubernetes concepts and principles
- Deploy applications to Kubernetes using the CLI
- Set up a continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins
- Locate more documentation and training.
To get the most of out of this course, learners should have basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments, as well as Web server technologies such as Nginx. We also recommend systems operations experience, including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a public cloud environment.
This course is primarily aimed at application developers, cloud solutions architects, DevOps engineers, and IT managers. This course is also intended for individuals using Google Cloud Platform to create new solutions or to integrate existing systems, application environments, and infrastructure with the Google Cloud Platform.
Level | Intermediate |
Commitment | 1 week of study, 5-7 hours/week |
Language |
Hardware Req | You’ll need a desktop web browser to run this course’s interactive labs via Qwiklabs. |
How To Pass | Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. |
User Ratings |
#6.Requirements Engineering: Secure Software Specifications Specialization
This specialization is intended for software engineers, development and product managers, testers, QA analysts, product analysts, tech writers, and security engineers. Even if you have experience in the requirements realm, this course will expand your knowledge to include new viewpoints, development styles, techniques and tools.
For anyone seeking a graduate degree, certificate, or professional degree in computer science, these courses will additionally give you a broad understanding of how requirements engineering is performed and help you get a first foot forward into your upcoming careers.
The Software Requirements specialization focuses on traditional software requirements elicitation and writing techniques, while also looking at requirements from a security standpoint. In traditional methods, non-functional requirements, such as security, are often ignored overall. In this specialization, students will be introduced to ways of eliciting requirements from stakeholders, how to analyze these requirements, conduct risk mitigation and analysis, prioritize requirements, document, and bring security concerns into the software lifecycle early on.
#7.Architecting with Google Cloud Platform Specialization
This specialization introduces participants to the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services. This course also covers deploying practical solutions including securely interconnecting networks, customer-supplied encryption keys, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.
This class is intended for the following participants:
- Cloud Solutions Architects, DevOps Engineers.
- Individuals using Google Cloud Platform to create new solutions or to integrate existing systems, application environments, and infrastructure with the Google Cloud Platform.
This specialization incorporates hands-on labs using our Qwiklabs platform.
These hands on components will let you apply the skills you learn in the video lectures. Projects will incorporate topics such as Google Cloud Platform products, which are used and configured within Qwiklabs. You can expect to gain practical hands-on experience with the concepts explained throughout the modules.
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